Also attached was a letter, that seemed to suggest that I should photocopy this booklet and distribute it freely:
It was written by a French Canadian called Claude Deschennes, who has a bit of a thing about religion:
Not only that, he seems to LOVE rubber stamps, and using them:
He is also keen on drawing diagrams about how he views the world. I liked this one because of the distinction drawn between 'Plants', 'Beasts' and 'Humanity'. To the left, you'll see he's also written "Posters, please, for the classes of biology", as well as more rubber-stampage:
In case you weren't sure, this emphasises once again the importance of Hydrogen:
There's also frequent references to the 'Nebula' as demonstrated by this diagram (and more rubber stamps):
Claude has included a photocopied picture of (what I guess to be) himself:
And thankfully, on the rear, he explains the purpose of the book:
There's so much dense handwriting, rubber-stampage, religious critique and references to the importance of Hydrogen that I can't really do it justice in this blog, but consider this post Claude's first foray onto the internet, as I couldn't find any reference to him when I searched.
Hi Claude!